The Reimagining Mobility Project revolutionizes transportation for college students and faculty. By integrating an electric bicycle, autonomous shuttle, and bussing systems we drastically reduce commuting time as well as offer ample space to work during your ride to and from campus.
Project Recognition
The Nationwide Competition provided by the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum showcased our "Future of University Transit Systems" project along with the other finalists in their Reimagining Mobility exhibit in New York. The task is at hand was to reimagine how we transport people and goods from point A to Point B.
Team: James D'Orazio, John Almeida, Jarred Torres, and Michael Daniel 
Design Brief
 Current issues such as late arrivals, limited space, and lack of accommodation make commuting to and from campus a real hassle. As busy college students and faculty many of us look at our commutes on public transportation as additional opportunities to complete work, prepare for exams or simply plan out their day, but with current transportation options none of this is possible. 
Make your commute even easier and more enjoyable with the free app which allows you to reserve one of our electric bikes, check on the autonomous bus's arrival times, or call one of the campus shuttles right to your nearest location!
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